Grays Creek Breaker Station to Roslin Farm Rd 115kV Transmission Line
Project Scope:
This project included the installation of concrete transmission structures from the new Breaker Station to connect to an existing transmission line along Roslin Farm Road. The transmission line was constructed in existing right of way through an existing neighborhood. These structures were designed to accommodate triple circuit distribution underbuild in addition to the single 115kV transmission circuit. Conductors included 795ACSR transmission, 556ACSR distribution, and OPGW shield wire. The project required close coordination with the IOU providing delivery and local cooperative to provide the new delivery feed. Among those coordination efforts, special care was taken with the contractor to minimize the construction impact to the neighborhood. Various duties performed on the project included the design of multiple concrete self-supporting structures, specification of materials to be used, field staking, surveying, handling of all RUS 830 contracts and associated documents, and reconciliation of the overall project for closeout documents.
Project Details
Project Location:
Hope Mills, NC
Line Length:
+/- 0.5 Miles
Project Description:
Single Circuit 115kV Transmission Line with Triple Circuit 12.47kV Distribution Underbuild
Transmission & Distribution