ECE offers engineering services supporting the design and project management of power transmission lines in voltage classes of 35kV through 230kV. We have experience working with wood, steel, concrete and ductile iron monopole and multi-pole structures.
Department Services
- Transmission Line Design in Compliance with both NESC and RUS Standards and Specifications
- Pole and Foundation Design and Analysis for Self-Supporting Structures
- Procurement of Equipment and Materials
- Transmission Line Relocation Design
- Design of Transmission Line Attachments, including Distribution Line Underbuild, Cellular Antennas, and OPGW/ADSS Fiber Lines
- Construction Oversight and Inspection
Department Responsibilities
Create and produce construction document packages to include plan & profile drawings, staking sheets, structure drawings, material lists, sag and tension reports, and other required documentation.
- Utilize the latest software such as PLS-CADD™, PLS-POLE™, CAISSON™, and SAG-10™.
Design and analysis of wood, steel, concrete and ductile iron monopole and multi-pole structures.
- Incorporate all design components into a RUS 830 contract and prepare documentation for bidding and execution.
- Monitor construction activity from bid opening through final inspection.
Oversee project inventory, line inspections, and final inspections.
Prepare documents for recordkeeping (as-built documentation).
- Organize and execute final close-out documentation per RUS standards and requirements.
- Prepare and execute crossing permits, including but not limited to, Department of Transportation, railroad, waterway, gas pipeline, and Duke Energy crossings.